Juana Maria Mendoza Quic de Perez

Juana Maria Mendoza Quic de Perez, a member of the cooperative Flor Juanera in San Juan La Laguna, is 38 years old and has been weaving since she was 10. Juana and her sister, as small children, loved watching their mother weave. Before they learned this skill, they would act out the weaving motions as a game, using weeds as thread and coffee tree branches as tools.


A woman of many talents, Juana is an accomplished weaver and also uses Ikat thread tying and dying to create intricate textiles. In addition to maintaining her home, Juana can spend a day and a half weaving a scarf and up to two days to create a “lienso,” a large piece of textile used to create bags, pillows, and other products.

To me weaving is my life, my job and my daily support. Weaving is everything to me.

— Juana Maria Mendoza Quic de Perez

Member of the
World Fair Trade Organization