Rosa Zapeta Tzoc

Rosa Zapeta Tzoc, 74, is from Patanatic and an active member of the Los Pinos Cooperative. Rosa first learned how to weave baskets with pine needles in 2005 during a Maya Traditions’ training. A widow with six children, Rosa saw the training as an opportunity to learn an income generating skill that would allow her to support her family while working from home.


Today, Rosa lives with her youngest daughter, as her older children now have families of their own. She recognizes the impact that basket weaving has played in her life, and the opportunities it has provided her family. As her eyesight is fading, Rosa works to create coasters and simpler baskets, leaving the more intricate designs to her partner artisans.

Basket weaving has provided me an income, it has been a constant support.

— Rosa Zapeta Tzoc

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